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We provide a range of services for clients ranging from one off advisory visits to day to day management of woodlands on estates. 

Below we have outlined a snapshot of the services we provide in relation to the various stages involved with woodland management. Our services include both consultancy and, for some small scale tasks, contracting services.  


New Woodland Creation


  • Site survey and woodland creation audit

  • Budgets

  • Designs, species selection and plant lists

  • Grant applications - EWCO

  • Sourcing planting stock

  • Site preparation and protection

  • Managing planting operations

  • Maintenance operations

  • Carbon advice - Woodland Carbon Code


Silvicultural Advice and Plans


  • Silvicultural systems - advice and implementation

  • 50 Year Forest Plans

  • 10 Woodland Management Plans (FC Approved plans)

  • 1 - 5 year Operations Plan

  • Annual Work Programmes / Budgets

  • Timber forecasts

  • Estate Woodland Mapping

  • Woodland Plan maps

    • Compartment maps

    • Constraints and Hazards Maps

    • Crop / Species Maps

    • Operations Maps

  • Woodland Compartment Schedules

ash clear fell site

Licences and Permissions


​Gaining felling permission from the Forestry Commission (FC) to undertake felling will depend on the scale of the work required. We can submit a felling licence application and explain the felling and any restocking requirements in order to gain permission. 


Further permissions may be required if any designations exist on the land. We are experiences in gaining the specific permissions to undertake works from the association regulatory government bodies. Examples include:


  • SSSI permissions - Supplementary Notice of Operations (Natural England)

  • Scheduled Monument & Historic Parks and Gardens (Historic England)

  • Tree Preservation Orders & Conservation Area (Local Authority Tree Officers)




  • Countryside Stewardship 

    • Woodland Management Plan grant

    • Higher Tier scheme (WD2)

    • Woodland Tree Health grant

  • Woodland creation

    • Woodland Creation Planning Grant

    • English Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO)

    • HS2 Woodland Fund

  • Regional / specialist grants

    • Farming in Protected Landscapes (FIPL)

    • Farming Investment Fund




​We manage contractors to undertake the following operations:


  • Thinning

  • Coupe felling

  • Regeneration felling

  • Clear felling

  • Roadside felling

  • Mulching

  • Site Preparation

  • Fencing

  • Planting

  • Maintenance

  • Weed control

  • Pruning


Timber Sales


  • Standing timber sales

  • Roadside timber sales

  • Correct timber presentation for sale

  • Measuring

  • Marketing

  • Niche market sales

  • Administration of sales and timber uplift.


woodland natural regeneration



  • Designing restock planting

  • Sourcing best planting stock

  • Site preparation

  • Planting and guarding

young oak tree

Young Woodland Maintenance


  • Beat up surveys & planting

  • Weed control

  • Mowing / brushcutting / mulching

  • Guard maintenance

  • Guard removal & recycling

  • Form pruning

  • High pruning

  • First thinning

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